Hello there, and welcome to my website! 

I’m an architect and engineer, with a doctoral degree in urban planning, and work experiences and collaborations in Asia and Europe. During my academic career, I have worked at University of Catania, University Technology Malaysia, Qatar University, University of Auckland, Lulea University of Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and Aalto University.

Architecture is that field of knowledge that shapes the environment in which we live and work. Small, medium and large cities are the engines of our economy but, if well designed, they are also places to meet other people and create a better society (see special issue). My aim is to develop knowledge to support a more inclusive, sustainable, and creative green transition in cities (see exhibition).

My original theoretical production includes novel concepts such as the intra-rural divides; transdisciplinary urbanism; predatory urbanism; green resilience; resourceful communities; and climate-sensitive urban design. My work has been published in academic journals and books as well as popularized in other media outlets and events such as the Venice Architecture Biennale, CNN International, and Domus. 

At LuleĆ„ University of Technology I lead the architecture research subject which consists of about 30 researchers with a yearly turnover of c. 3 mEur. I have been PI and co-PI in a number of research projects funded, e.g., by the Qatar National Research Fund, EU Commission's framework programme,  Swedish Energy Agency, Formas, and Vinnova. I am also associate editor for the international journal European Planning Studies and Frontiers in Sustainable Cities as well as an editorial board member of Urban Planning.

Browse this website to learn more about my work!

Agatino Rizzo